Frequently asked questions

Where can I get app support?

Please see the Wellbeing way Help/FAQ’s (Frequently asked questions) in the ‘More’ section of your Wellbeing Way app or click on this link 

How do I update my weight?

Please head to your ‘health tracker’ tile within the App, within the weight section you will see ‘View Progress’ then select Latest measurement required’.

I’m having issues updating my weight, who do I contact?

Please email our Support Team on

Will I lose weight on this programme?

Wellbeing Way has been designed by a team of Dietitians, clinical and health Psychologists, and experts in exercise, to facilitate a 5% total weight loss. The advice you receive is evidenced based and in line with current NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) guidelines for weight management, this advice has also been personalised based on the answers you provided during your profile set up.  Nevertheless, changes to your weight will require behaviour change. The programme is designed to support and empower you to take meaningful steps to achieve a healthier weight but ultimately you will be your own driver to success.

Tip: Completing your weekly checklists will help keep you on track with your weight loss goals. 

What actions do I need to take each week?
  • Weigh yourself once a week and update your health tracker with your latest reading
  • Complete the latest online module, and use what you have learned to create your SMART goals
  • Work on your goals and update them in the app
  • Chat in the community forum and make use of the bank of guides, top tips, blogs, and recipes available in your Resources
Do I need any measurement equipment?

The only mandatory measurement across the programme is weight, therefore you will be required to have weighing scales.

How frequently should I take my weight?

Weigh yourself weekly and log that weight in your ‘Health Tracker’, this will help you to track your progress and achievements. If possible, try to weigh yourself at the same day and time each week.

* Logging your weight weekly is a requirement of all users on our programme, if you do not have access to scales at home, have a think about how you will weigh yourself. Could you borrow scales from a friend or family member? Alternatively, you can often weigh yourself at your GP surgery, local pharmacy, or leisure centre. 

What happens if I’m going to be away/on holiday during the programme?

It is really important from a safety perspective that we have an updated weight, even whilst on holiday you should update your weight on a weekly basis. There may be a pharmacy you can go to, you could ask at the hotel, or try at the gym. If you are travelling by car, then you could take the scales with you. Alternatively, if you are unable to access any scales for the duration of you holiday, then please update the App with your most recent weight reading and log this weekly until you return however once home please update your tracker with an accurate weight.

How does the programme work? What will I be eating?

During your programme you will learn about portion guidance and how to improve the overall balance and quality of the food you eat. Use this knowledge to make choices that will help you achieve your goals. No food is off the table completely and there is no single superfood which you must eat.

Take what you learn in your online modules and apply that to the foods you enjoy; you can still enjoy your food whilst making meaningful steps towards a healthier lifestyle. If you need a reminder of what you could be doing towards your weight loss goals, review your weekly checklist, and try to complete all the items each week.

Should I stick to my suggested meal plan for the full 12 weeks?

All meal plans are designed to be used for three to seven days (maximum). The purpose of providing you with a meal plan is to give you an idea of what you could eat whilst on the programme and give you additional support in making food choices at the start of your programme, should you feel you would benefit from it.

We encourage you to create your own meal plans, including foods you enjoy that align with eating well advice, take a look at our recipes for inspiration.

I have a concern regarding my medication what should I do?

Please do seek advice from your GP or pharmacist for any medication concerns.

Can I skip an online module?

Try to think of your online modules as the pieces of a puzzle, having all the pieces makes for a much clearer picture! We recommend you work through all 12 online modules; they have been created with you in mind and are your steppingstones to success.

What if my mobile number changes?

No problem, just email: and we can update it for you.

Do recipes provide nutritional information & allergen advice?

Some of our recipes have nutritional information but not all of them. We are in the process of adding allergen warnings to our recipes, but whilst we do this we would advise you to read the ingredients carefully. Please also be sure to read the ingredients and allergen labels carefully for food purchased at stores.

I have additional support needs, can I still take part in the programme?

Yes you can, please read our accessibility statement

My first language isn’t English, is the programme available in alternative languages?

Yes, the programme is also available Hindi and Polish.

What should I do once the 12 weeks are over?

Congratulate yourself for completing a massive step towards a healthier lifestyle! So, what to do next? Keep going! Try to keep up with the positive changes you have made, there will be bumps in the road but use the new strategies in your toolkit to help get you back on track. Continue working on your goals, monitor your progress and try to focus on creating helpful habits.

When should I not take part in the programme?

You should not take part in the programme if you:

• have severe/moderate frailty as recorded on a frailty register
• are pregnant
• have a diagnosed eating disorder
• have a significant unmanaged co-morbidity
• have had bariatric surgery in the last two years.

If you become pregnant or are diagnosed with any of these conditions during the programme, please inform us using our email address so we can reassess your suitability to continue on the programme.

Will I still have access to Wellbeing Way after my 12 weeks?

Once you have successfully completed your 12-week Wellbeing Way journey, you will no longer have access to the programme.

What should I do if I am unwell during my programme?
  • We all get poorly from time to time; if you are unwell during your 12 week programme, it’s fine to take a few days out to recover.
  • From a clinical safety perspective, it’s important to continue to enter your weight readings into the app; but understand you may need to wait a little while until you feel well enough to do this.
  • The good news is you’ll have continued access to the app after you’ve completed your course to catch up on or revisit any on-line learning.
I’m having issues with Two-Factor Authentication, who do I contact?

Please email our Support Team on

I’m unable to weigh myself whilst on holiday- what should I do?

It is really important from a safety perspective that we have an updated weight, even whilst on holiday you should update your weight on a weekly basis.
In regards to weighing yourself there may be a pharmacy you can go to, you could ask at the hotel, or try at the gym. If you are travelling by car, then you could take the scales with you.
Alternatively if you are unable to access any scales for the duration of you holiday, then please update the App with your most recent weight reading and log this weekly until you return. Once home please update your tracker with an accurate weight.

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