Health and wellbeing

Small changes can make a big difference. We’ll work with you to help you better understand and take control of your health, for life.

Weight management

Quit smoking services

Diabetes services

Cardiovascular disease prevention

Health coaching & social prescribing

Why choose us?

We’ll work with you to make the changes that stick. Our people will be with you every step of the way, translating the science into healthy habits that add up to long term health improvement.

Read more about Xyla


The way the sessions were run was useful, my coach reiterated knowledge I had but forgotten over the past 40 years. He then took the learning further for us, explaining the science behind it, it made more sense and made it easier to cut down on certain things like sugar. If I had a question which wasn’t covered in the session my coach would have the answer ready for the next session, making sessions personalised to us.

My therapist was lovely; they were really calm and patient, just letting me go at my own pace. I learnt that what I was going through was PTSD, and that it’s really common. Knowing that I wasn’t the only one who had experienced this helped me a lot.

My therapist instantly put me at ease, she was really warm and easy to talk to. She helped me to realise that my behaviours were exacerbating my worries and anxiety, and helped me to learn more helpful ways to manage and cope with my worries.

Definitely give it [the digital weight management progamme] a try. You’ll discover that a lot of things you know already, but you’ll also learn a lot. Nothing feels forced, for example “you must do 30 minutes hard exercise a day”, or “you can’t eat ice cream.” The journey is yours, own it. Slow and steady you see results even if it’s just moving a bit more each day. There is a community of support as well as the phone calls from your coach.

“There has been recognition across the whole system that Xyla is providing a highly valuable service which is contributing to the improvements we are seeing. The fact they’re so responsive means we are able to support local people find the most appropriate care very quickly.”

“Xyla has provided a professional and quality service right from the beginning. They have provided a full Endoscopy service which has focused on good governance and providing excellent patient care which aligned with our own trust values”
Rebecca Lovatt, General Manager

Xyla is a trading name of ICS Operations Ltd (Registered No 4793945), Pulse Healthcare Limited (Registered No 3156103), Carehome Selection Limited (Registered No 3091598), Independent Clinical Services Limited (Registered No 4768329) and CHS Healthcare Software Limited (Registered No 11582111)