Tier 2 and 3 weight management programmes

Tiered weight management is a system designed to provide different levels of support to help people manage their weight effectively.   


From fostering healthy dietary habits and promoting physical activity to implementing effective behaviour change strategies for both individuals and their families, our tiered programmes offer a holistic approach to weight management.   

Our service’s ethos is built on positive, non-judgemental support, empowering you to embark on your journey towards sustainable lifestyle changes with confidence and encouragement.  

Tier 2 weight management

Our tier 2 weight management service is led by our Health and Wellbeing Coaches team and supported by a multidisciplinary team of doctors, dietitians, psychologists, and exercise specialists.  It’s designed to give you comprehensive support in achieving your weight loss goals.  

Here’s what you can expect:  

  • Healthy eating guidance: Learn practical strategies for improving your diet and establishing healthy eating habits that support your weight loss journey.  
  • Physical activity promotion: Discover enjoyable ways to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine to enhance your fitness levels and support weight loss.  
  • Behaviour change strategies: Receive personalised strategies and support to help you make sustainable changes to your behaviour for yourself and your family members.  
  • Positive support environment: Benefit from a supportive and non-judgemental atmosphere that empowers you to make positive changes for your health and wellbeing.  

Tier 3 weight management

Tier 3 is expertly designed for people with more complex weight-related issues. The service focuses on a range of non-surgical weight management options. They support you to develop sustainable lifestyle changes to lose and manage weight, reduce ill-health and improve your quality of life.  

Here’s what you can expect:   

  • Comprehensive assessment: Our experts will thoroughly assess your needs using validated measures to ensure a holistic understanding of your circumstances.  
  • Tailored treatment plans: You’ll receive a personalised treatment plan developed by our multidisciplinary team, including a clinical lead endocrinologist, specialist dietitian, registered nurse, clinical psychologist, and exercise therapist.  
  • Comprehensive support: Engage in motivational group and one-to-one sessions covering diet, physical activity, and psychological/behavioural support to address all aspects of your weight management journey.  
  • Evidence-based approach: Rest assured that our service is evidence-based and compliant with guidelines from NICE, NHS England, and the Royal College of Physicians. This ensures you receive high-quality care that prioritises your long-term health and success.  

Interested in joining?

If you could benefit from one of our weight management programmes, speak to your GP.  Don’t have a GP? Contact your local GP surgery to ask about being referred.  

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Contact us

To explore how our services could empower your communities to live healthier lives, for longer, please get in touch.

Xyla is a trading name of ICS Operations Ltd (Registered No 4793945), Pulse Healthcare Limited (Registered No 3156103), Carehome Selection Limited (Registered No 3091598), Independent Clinical Services Limited (Registered No 4768329) and CHS Healthcare Software Limited (Registered No 11582111)