Terry’s Diabetes Prevention Journey

Published 11 April, 2024

Terry has been attending the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NDPP) with Xyla and has seen some amazing changes since starting his journey. He has been happy to share with us some of his experiences and results.

What did you find useful about the group sessions? What stood out for you in your sessions?

I enjoyed the groups because they were relaxed, open and friendly. In the sessions I am happy to share my thoughts, feelings, and story. In the first session it was a challenge being around new people but as the sessions progressed, a good feeling of comradery developed.

What changes did you make to your lifestyle, e.g. exercise routine, dietary, habits…?

I started to be physically active – something that I had not done for a very long time. I was determined to be moving again rather than regress into a mobility scooter or use walking aids. I wanted to enjoy times with my wife, family, and friends.

I was no longer able to do all the things that I was passionate about due to physical limitations. I am now pouring myself into other pastimes that use my creativity and I have found new passions. The course has given me the inspiration to do this as I have been able to move along in clear but determined steps.

“I feel like a new person!”

Have you accessed any local services (i.e. leisure centres, exercise on referral) due to this programme?

I was feeling hopeless due to the prognosis I had been given by many doctors and specialists. I am working with a physical trainer to help me overcome some of my physical disabilities. This combined with the NDPP has enable me to undo years of building disability. The trainer and my NDPP coach have given me the self-efficacy to be able to overcome these disappointments and feelings of hopelessness.

What was your favourite part of the programme, why?

I have enjoyed every part of the programme, but if pushed, I would say it has given me the information I needed to put into practice things I knew already but did not know how to implement.

What challenges did you face with the programme, and how did you overcome them?

I was terrified to move without physical support or disability aids – the combined input of the NDPP and my personal trainer has literally given me the courage to take the first steps unaided! By breaking the changes down into small goals, the NDPP coach enabled me to make progress in what seemed like an insurmountable chasm between my current lifestyle and the healthy lifestyle I want to have.

What changes have you seen in any measurements that have been taken? E.g. HBa1c, waist measurement, weight, clothes size etc…

I have lost 5kg since starting and 6 inches off my waist. I feel like a new person!

Would you, or have you, recommended the programme to others? Why?

Yes, I would and have been recommending it to friends and family since I started, telling them it is informative and lifechanging.

What would you say to those who are thinking about joining the programme?

Don’t hesitate to look into your risk of progressing to type 2 diabetes and if you are at risk, start as soon as possible.

Are there any other comments you wish to make about your experience?

I know there are thousands of people out there who would have their life changed by attending the programme. I am doing this to make sure the message is taken far and wide so as many people as possible benefit from this quality and free programme.

To find out more about the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme, click here.

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