Barry’s Quit Smoking journey

Published 11 April, 2024

Barry has completed the Healthier Futures Quit Smoking Programme and has been happy to share some of his experiences with us and the positive results he has seen since taking part.

What did you find most useful about the service?

I found the one-to-one support from a Health Coach very useful.

Have you felt supported through the programme?

Yes, I have felt supported.

What changes did you make to your lifestyle, e.g. exercise routine, dietary, habits, quit smoking?

Through the programme, I ended up quitting smoking.

What was your favourite part of the programme and why?

The one-to-one personal chat was very helpful with Avi.

What challenges did you face with the programme, and how did you overcome them?

The programme was very easy and pleasant with Avi, so there were no problems.

“The professional approach by our stop smoking coach is excellent”

What changes have you seen in any measurements that have been taken? E.g. HBa1c, BP, wellbeing, waist measurement, weight, clothes size, CO reading etc…

I found that the CO readings are very supportive, and they give you a tremendous boost to help stop smoking.

Would you, or have you, recommended the service to others? If so, please tell us why?

I would recommend this ace service to others who wish to cease smoking.

What would you say to those that are thinking about joining the programme?

The professional approach by our stop smoking coach is excellent – very supportive.

Are there any other comments you wish to make about your experience?

The young lady (Avi), who is our stop smoking coach, is very attentive to the problems that occurred when ceasing, and she helped with tips etc.

To find out more about the Healthier Futures Quit Smoking Programme, click here.

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