Amanda’s Digital Weight Management Journey

Published 11 April, 2024

Amanda has been attending the NHS Digital Weight Management Programme with Xyla and has seen some amazing changes since starting her journey. She has been happy to share with us some of her experiences and results.

What have you found useful about the Wellbeing Way App?

It is easy to use. I loved the resources for wellbeing and activity ideas. When you find something you think you’ll want to come back to again, you can save to your favourites. I liked the recipes with nutrition values. The mini tasks are useful to keep you on track.

What do you find useful about your coaching calls with your Registered Healthcare Professional? Have you felt supported throughout the process?

Sarah was lovely – so motivating, bubbly, and supportive. Any questions I had she was knowledgeable enough to provide helpful answers.

What changes did you make to your lifestyle, e.g. exercise routine, dietary, habits…?

I move more now and swapped some food choices. I also joined my local gym, tried several new exercise classes, and met new friends along the way. I have a smaller plate of food now.

“The journey is yours”

Have you accessed any local services (i.e. leisure centres, exercise on referral) due to this programme?

I signed up at my local gym to become an Ambassador – this was for 3 months so tied in well with this programme.

What is your favourite part of the programme, why?

The mini articles that demonstrate changes to your thinking as well as your lifestyle, I think the changes will last longer this way.

What challenges did you face with the programme, and how did you overcome them?

I don’t think I really had any challenges.

What changes have you seen in any measurements that have been taken? E.g. HBa1c, waist measurement, weight, clothes size etc…

I have lost weight and found changes in my clothes size. I feel like I have more energy.

Would you, or have you, recommended the programme to others? Why?

I would recommend the programme as it introduces small changes to the way of thinking and doesn’t tell you that you can’t eat chocolate. It helps you set yourself small goals.

What would you say to those who are thinking about joining the programme?

Definitely give it a try. You’ll discover that a lot of things you know already, but you’ll also learn a lot. Nothing feels forced, for example “you must do 30 minutes hard exercise a day”, or “you can’t eat ice cream.” The journey is yours, own it. Slow and steady you see results even if it’s just moving a bit more each day. There is a community of support as well as the phone calls from your coach.

Are there any other comments you wish to make about your experience?

12 weeks goes so fast.

“I feel like I have more energy”

To find out more about the NHS Digital Weight Management Programme, click here.

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Xyla is a trading name of ICS Operations Ltd (Registered No 4793945), Pulse Healthcare Limited (Registered No 3156103), Carehome Selection Limited (Registered No 3091598), Independent Clinical Services Limited (Registered No 4768329) and CHS Healthcare Software Limited (Registered No 11582111)