South-East NHS Trust Hospital Discharge

Published 28 March, 2024


Xyla initially piloted a 3-month contract in 2018 to support a South – East NHS Trust with discharging self-funding clients(in both in a hospital setting and, in the community) with a package of care at home, or into the appropriate care setting. Prior to Xyla’s support, families were often – understandably – taking a significant period of time to source care independently, which was impacting capacity. Efficient discharge, once patients are medically optimised, is essential to promote patient well-being and ensure good flow within the trust.

Due to the positive impact of our work, Xyla are delighted to have continued to support the trust for the past five years, with a further extension into 2023.

Our approach

We are currently commissioned to support the placement of 25 patients per month into an appropriate care setting (predominantly assisting clients in sourcing packages of care), and work against a KPI of five days, from point of referral to placement.  

Our average time taken for point of referral to placement (June – Sept 22) is just one day, exceeding our KPI. We have flexed and adapted our service to support higher numbers of placements, as and when the need arises within the trust. 


We work to a KPI of 5 days from point of referral to placement, and often exceed this with our average time taken being just 24 hours

95% of referrals are contacted within 24 hours of initial contact

Recently, to support the needs of the trust, we received 122 referrals over a 3-month period (June – September 2022), by far exceeding our contracted 25 placements per month, displaying our flexibility to adapt our support when necessary

An average of three care homes are contacted per referral to ensure that we prioritise the patient’s needs, the family’s preferred choice and that patient centric care is delivered at all times

On average there were 50 actions taken per referral by the Xyla team (such as emails, calls, general admin), which removes the burden of such admin from the trust team, and frees up their resource (Taken from June – September 2022 report)


“You are a key link at this difficult time for me and my family.” 
“Thanks so much to you and J for all your help this week – you’ve helped us get 30 discharges today.”
“Many thanks for all your help. You are very supportive while I am feeling quite anxious, I know that you are doing your very best for me and no doubt many others.” 
“I have been dealing with one of your employees called C W. Without her help mediating between social services and everyone else, I don’t know what we would of done she has gone above and beyond for my mum and her family and I just wanted you to know what a wonderful woman you have working for you.” 
“Many thanks to your company for going the extra mile for us.” 

Contact us

By connecting our services, Xyla offers more effective healthcare journeys and greater sustainability for our health system. Please get in touch to explore how our services can be tailored to meet increasing demand in your organisation.

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Have any questions about our services? Whether you’re wondering about how we can help your health goals, or assist your healthcare organisation, we’d love to hear from you.

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Xyla is a trading name of ICS Operations Ltd (Registered No 4793945), Pulse Healthcare Limited (Registered No 3156103), Carehome Selection Limited (Registered No 3091598), Independent Clinical Services Limited (Registered No 4768329) and CHS Healthcare Software Limited (Registered No 11582111)