Moonia’s Live Well Newham journey

Published 11 April, 2024

Moonia has completed the Live Well Newham Programme and has been happy to share some of her experiences with us and the positive results she has seen since taking part.

What did you find most useful about your programme?

I found the guidance to regular walking, eating mindfully and slowly and also following portion size was very useful.

What changes did you make to your lifestyle as a result of attending the programme, e.g. exercise routine, dietary habits?

I have been following portion control during mealtimes to control my blood glucose and improving my steps to 5000 steps daily and able to walk 10,000 steps 2 days a week.

What was your favourite part of the programme and why?

I looked forward to each session because it was very enjoyable and informative. I was able to change my eating behaviours and the Coach was very friendly, engaging, and knowledgeable which helped me to feel better physically and mentally. It has always been a positive experience in every session and the coach was able to give advice considering our cultural foods and lifestyle.

“The Coach was very friendly, engaging, and knowledgeable”

What challenges did you face on the programme and how did you overcome them?

Motivation to walk was very difficult before joining the programme but now I am able to manage walking over 5000 steps every day, and I also enjoy it which I thought I could never do. I used to have poor quality sleep but now, due to walking more every day, my sleep has also improved, and I can manage to sleep without waking up in the middle of the night.

What changes have you seen in any measurements that have been taken? E.g. weight, waist measurement, clothes size, blood glucose, blood pressure etc.

I have managed gradual weight loss, my blood glucose is controlled now and I feel more energised which has improved my sleep quality at night, without having naps in the day.

Would you or have you recommended the programme to others? Why?

Of course, I have recommended to friends to improve their lifestyle. It is very enjoyable and motivational, and I would recommend anyone to attend the programme to improve their health for long-term. Having this opportunity to receive health information in Bengali language will especially help my friends and family.

What would you say to those who are thinking of joining the programme?

I would say that this programme will change their life for the better and the support and information really works.

Are there any other comments you wish to make about your experience?

I sincerely enjoyed every session, especially meeting everyone in the group. The Coach was able to engage and relate by always making us feel special which made a huge difference to this experience.

“The support and information really works”

To find out more about the Live Well Newham Programme, click here.

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