Tomato and basil soup

Ingredients (serves 1)

  • 1 medium onion, chopped​​
  • 1 medium carrot, chopped​
  • 1 celery stick, chopped​​
  • 1 can chopped tomatoes​​
  • 1 tbsp tomato puree​
  • 1 handful fresh basil leaves, chopped​​
  • Black pepper, to taste

Nutritional information (per serving)

  • 108 kcal​
  • 0.7g Fat​
  • 0.3g Saturated fat​
  • 18g Carbohydrate​
  • 5.4g Fibre​
  • 4.2g Protein​
  • 0.28g Salt


  • Celery


  1. Dry fry the onion, carrot and celery in a pan until translucent. Add some water if you feel the mixture is too dry.
  2. Add the tomato puree and basil and cook for an additional 3 minutes.​
  3. Add the canned tomatoes and 1.5L of boiling water.​
  4. Leave to simmer over a gentle heat for 20-30 minutes.​
  5. Season with black pepper to taste.​
  6. Blend with a hand blender to reach your desired consistency.
  7. Serve into a bowl, sprinkle some fresh basil on top and enjoy!

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