Partner portal FAQs

How do I register?

Open your registration invitation email and follow the link to create your account. You will be taken to the registration page where you need to enter your username and create a password. If multi-factor authentication is set up for your organisation, you’ll need to enter your mobile number to receive a verification code sent by text. The next time you log in, you can choose to receive this code by email or text.

How do I change my password?

On the ‘Sign in’ page of the portal, select ‘Forgot password’. Then follow the steps to reset your password in the email or text we’ll send to the email address or mobile you used to register.

What happens if my contact details change?

Please let us know by contacting us on

Where can I view more information about Xyla?

Please visit the About Xyla page on our website.

Who will have access to details about the child or young person I have referred?

Only people who are authorised to see the child or young person’s record. Everyone who has access to our systems is DBS checked. They go through training and sign strict employment conditions acknowledging they will only access records they need to complete their job.

Where can I access your data protection information?

You can read our Privacy Policy by clicking here.

How can I turn off notifications?

Please contact us at will turn off any marketing communications. However, we will still send notifications if they are required for you to access the service.

Can I use the platform on a mobile or laptop?

Yes, you can use the Partner Portal on mobiles, desktops and laptops as long as you have access to the internet and a browser. We recommend using a laptop or desktop for a better experience.

Who can I contact regarding a data protection query or breach?

Please contact, with you query or information on this data breech.

How many appointments will the child or young person get?

The number of appointments will depend on the support being offered to the child or young person.

What if the child or young person needs more appointments?

If more appointments are clinically appropriate, this will be discussed. Where we can, we will offer more appointments.

What happens if the child or young person does not turn up for appointments?

If the child or young person misses a appointment, our team will contact them to rearrange their appointment. If the child or young person is consistently missing appointments, we will still keep trying to contact them. We’ll also discuss the next steps to take.

Will welfare checks be conducted?

Welfare checks will be carried out in extreme circumstances where there is risk documented and the team do not feel assured there is sufficient support in place, and the child or young person is at imminent risk.

Can the child or young person pick their therapist?

Yes, the child or young person can choose their therapist when they book their appointment. There will be information about the therapist when they book and they can get to know the therapist during their appointments.

Does the child or young person have to pay for appointments?

No, they would have been referred by the NHS and do not have to pay for any of the appointments.

How can I contact you if I need to?

Please visit our contact page for all of our contact details.

Can I refer someone who has already had an assessment?

Yes, you can. Depending on how long ago the assessment was, the team may need to arrange a new assessment with the child or young person. This is to make sure the information in the assessment is up to date and nothing has changed.

Can I refer someone without an assessment?

Yes, we can provide the full end-to-end service of referral, triage, assessment, treatment and discharge. Alternatively, we can provide elements of the full service if you would prefer to keep certain stages within the trust.

Can I refer someone without an existing referral form?
Yes. Log in to the portal and start a new referral. Complete step 1, then skip step 2 and complete steps 3 and 4. Next, simply review and submit your referral.
You can also upload supporting documents or additional information after you’ve submitted your referral.
How can I give feedback without you knowing who I am?

We’ll send you regular surveys to complete. You don’t have to include your name and identifiable details in these surveys, so you can stay anonymous if you want to.

How do I know when things change on the website?

We will let you know about changes to the service or portal and make sure you are updated.

How is the therapy conducted?

The therapy appointment is via a video call which the child or young person can attend using a link in their portal. They will be able to see their therapist on screen during their appointment.

Have the therapists worked with children or young people before?

Yes, all our therapists are fully qualified healthcare clinicians, with experience of working with children and young adults. The referred child or young person can book appointments with therapists that match the needs of their treatment.

How long are the appointments?

On average, an appointment is between 45 and 60 minutes.

How long is the assessment?

An assessment is usually around 60 to 90 minutes.

What information will the referral trust be provided with about the child or young person’s treatment?

If the child or young person’s referral is also staying open with the referring trust and we are working in partnership with them, they will be able to view treatment information for the child or young person. If the trust are referring to Xyla and discharging, they will not be able to see any of their information.

What if I can’t connect to Wi-Fi?

You will need to connect to the internet to access the portal. For the best experience, we recommend you access the portal on Wi-Fi or a wired internet connection. You can also access the portal with a mobile data connection, if needed.

How do I know if your service meets my accessibility needs?

We are still working towards making our service accessible to people with physical accessibility limitations – this is a standard called WCAG 2.1 AA. You can see our full accessibility statement here.

Can I refer someone using an existing referral form?
Yes. Log in to the portal and start a new referral. Complete step 1, then upload your existing referral form at step 2. You can then skip steps 3 and 4. Next, simply review and submit your referral.
You can also upload supporting documents or additional information after you’ve submitted your referral.
Can I upload supporting/additional documents?

Yes, you can add supporting documents or additional information after you’ve submitted your referral. Log in to the portal and go to the ‘Referrals’ section. Simply select ‘+Add’ next to the relevant referral to add attachments.

Can I save a draft to complete a referral later?

Yes, you can save a referral as a draft as long as you have added at least the child or young person’s first and last name. To continue completing a draft referral, log in to the portal and go to the ‘Referrals’ section. You can search for the draft referral by the child or young person’s name. Select ‘Edit draft’ to continue from where you saved.

Can I delete a draft?

Yes, you can delete any referral that is in draft status as the referral has not yet been submitted. To delete a referral, log in to the portal and go to the ‘Referrals’ section. Under the ‘Actions’ column, select ‘Delete draft’.

Can I delete a submitted referral?

No, once a referral has been submitted it cannot be deleted. If you need to delete a submitted referral, please contact us on

What is the maximum file size I can upload?

Each individual file size can be up to 25mb. You will be advised if it is too large.

What types of files can I upload?

You can upload .pdf, .doc or .docx formats.

Can I upload multiple documents?

Yes, you can upload as many documents as are required.

Can someone be onward referred?

Yes, if it is felt that another service is appropriate and beneficial, the therapist will complete any onward referral if the child or young person agrees and wants this.

Will I receive any correspondence when a referral is discharged?

If the child or young person’s referral has remained open to the trust and Xyla have worked in partnership with them, then they will also be sent a copy of the discharge summary. If the trust has referred to Xyla and closed, then they will not.

How can I provide additional information that has been requested?

If you can provide this information via a digital document, you can upload this in the portal. Log in to the portal and go to the ‘Referrals’ section. Simply select ‘+Add’ next to the relevant referral to add attachments. If it is not a digital document, please contact us on to provide the additional information.

How long does it take for someone to be triaged?

We aim to complete all triages within 72 hours of receiving the referral.

Why has my referral been rejected?

You should have received information about why a referral was rejected. You can also see this information by visiting the ‘Referrals’ section of the portal and checking the ‘Notes’ column. To find out more, please contact us on

Who gets sent notifications about referrals?

Referral notifications are sent to a shared mailbox for the trust that was provided to Xyla when creating your organisation within the portal. We notify a shared mailbox if we can’t send notifications to a specific contact. To update any contact details, please contact us at

Xyla is a trading name of ICS Operations Ltd (Registered No 4793945), Pulse Healthcare Limited (Registered No 3156103), Carehome Selection Limited (Registered No 3091598), Independent Clinical Services Limited (Registered No 4768329) and CHS Healthcare Software Limited (Registered No 11582111)