Module 1: Your healthy weight

During these 12 weeks, remember to update your weight in your ‘My Health Tracker’ weekly. It’s normal to see some fluctuations in your weight, so don’t let one increased reading de-motivate you! Instead look at the overall trend from your start date. 

Research suggests that behaviour is the most important component in health status. This means that the things we do most often, or our habits, are key to our wellbeing. 

5 top tips before you start:

  • Assess your portion size
  • Get more active
  • Keep hydrated
  • Find time to relax and be kind to yourself
  • Eat slowly and choose mindfully

To stay motivated, take time each week or even daily to acknowledge what has gone well and reward yourself (choosing rewards that are not food!)  

3 key steps for goal setting: 

  • Identify your health values (or what is most important to you about your health) 
  • Set your goals in line with your values 
  • Create SMART goals 

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