To actively use the wellbeing way app to progress towards a healthier lifestyle, this includes entering your weight reading weekly into the app, completing the online modules, and setting weekly goals.
To actively engage in all aspects of your programme. Active participation will give you the best chances of achieving your weight loss target and health goals.
To let us know if you are unable or no longer wish to continue with the programme by emailing:
To utilise the community forum to seek support, motivation, and guidance from your peers.
To inform us of any changes to your health (including pregnancy) ** that may impact on your ability to take part in the programme. It is important that we are aware of any changes to your health and wellbeing so we can provide you with the most appropriate support.
To treat our staff with kindness and respect in all communications and interactions.
To not to swear, or use abusive, discriminatory, or defamatory language in any communications with our staff.
** we would like to know if you are diagnosed with an eating disorder, have been added to the frailty register by a Health Care Professional, have had bariatric / weight loss surgery and/or live with a significant unmanaged health condition. Unmanaged means not on medication or not completed an active management programme or not under regular medical review.
Although our team try hard to deliver the best possible experience, we recognise that occasionally we may not get it right. If you are unhappy with any part of our service, we would like to know so that we can resolve this with you
Via our online form found here
We will always try and respond to any feedback quickly and efficiently; however, if necessary, we will support you through our complaint’s procedure.
To provide you with a service designed to support you to lose 5% of your body weight in a safe and sustainable way.
To equip you with the knowledge, skills, and tools to make healthier lifestyle changes.
To support you to set specific and realistic health goals.
To ensure we deliver an effective service which is based on the latest evidence.
To treat you with respect and address you using your preferred name.
To not swear, or use abusive, discriminatory, or defamatory language in any communications with you.
To keep any information, you share with us securely and only share it with your referring healthcare professional and programme commissioner, if applicable, for reporting and evaluation purposes. If you opt-out of the evaluation, your report details will be reported anonymously.
We run a zero-tolerance policy with regards to the abuse of our staff.
Personal or targeted insults, threats, obscene and aggressive comments directed at our staff will not be tolerated.
Should you behave in this manner, our staff will ask you to refrain from such behaviour and give you one warning that if this behaviour is repeated, they will end the call/contact.
Should you repeat the behaviour during the call/contact, our staff will tell you they are ending the call/contact at once and refer the incident to their manager.
Service users who actively engage in this way may be removed from the programme and banned from other Xyla Health & Wellbeing services.
If you feel our staff have treated you with disrespect or caused offence, we will investigate your concerns and inform you of the general outcome.
You can report any such behaviours or concerns to us at:
To explore how our services could empower your communities to live healthier lives, for longer, please get in touch.
Xyla is a trading name of ICS Operations Ltd (Registered No 4793945), Pulse Healthcare Limited (Registered No 3156103), Carehome Selection Limited (Registered No 3091598), Independent Clinical Services Limited (Registered No 4768329) and CHS Healthcare Software Limited (Registered No 11582111)