If you have Type 2 Diabetes, are motivated to reduce your medication or achieve remission and can commit to a yearlong programme of online, face to face and telephone support… then yes!
There are strict medical criteria that you must meet in order to participate in this programme. There are some medical conditions that might mean you are not able to take part, however this is something you will be screened for before getting started. If there is any cause for concern, or any changes to your health, please update your coach or your GP as soon as possible.
To be eligible for the programme, you must be aged 18 years and over, have had Type 2 diabetes for less than 12 years, and be on one of the following medications: DPP4s: Sitagliptin (also known as Januvia or Janumet), Linagliptin (also known as Trajenta or Jentadueto), SGLT2s: Dapagliflozin (also known as Forxiga or Xigduo), Canagliflozin (also known as Invokana or Invokamet), GLP-1s: Liraglutide (also known as Victoza), Dulaglutide (also known as Trulicity). Please note: These are not exhaustive and may have other types/names please speak to your healthcare professional for further advice. You are not eligible if you are planning a pregnancy, pregnant or using insulin. If you want to take part in the total diet replacement option, talk to your doctor to ensure it’s the right choice for you.
As part of the programme you will have your blood tested regularly to track your progress. This will happen at your GP practice at the beginning before you start, followed by 3, 6, and 12-month tests.
This programme is for people who currently have Type 2 diabetes, however you can join our NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme if you are currently pre-diabetic. Please talk to your GP or go to www.preventing-diabetes.co.uk for more information.
In people with Type 2 Diabetes, diabetes remission is achieved when your HbA1c is below 48mmol/mol or 6.5% and has been for at least six months. Diabetes UK.
Yes, this programme is safe to follow and is supported by research and experience. During the programme, your health and your medications will be monitored by your medical team during your health checks. Your diabetes Practitioners will be working closely with you, and your medical team, to provide support and guidance along the way.
There are strict medical criteria that you must meet in order to participate in this programme. There are some medical conditions that might mean you are not able to take part; however, this is something you will be screened for before getting started. If there is any cause for concern, or any changes to your health, please update your coach or your GP as soon as possible.
During the first stage of the programme, you will be on a ‘Total Diet Replacement’, in which you will eat specially designed products in the form of shakes or soups, instead of your usual meals (for breakfast, lunch and dinner). The Total Diet Replacement products will provide you with the vitamins and minerals your body needs for a healthy balance, whilst losing weight. Your drinks must be calorie-free, which means no sugar-containing drinks, no milk in tea or coffee and no alcohol. In the second stage of the programme, you will be gradually reintroducing balanced meals back into your diet.
If you have been prescribed supplements, we recommend that you check with your GP about whether or not they are appropriate to take during the first stage of the programme. During the total diet replacement, your shakes will provide all the essential nutrients you need for a healthy balance, however, it is best to discuss with your GP If you have any concerns regarding this.
You can add flavourings, spices and herbs to your TDR products to adapt the taste – this is discussed in your sessions. We are in the process of developing the TDR products range. For more information on the TDR products contact Altralife on 0118 453 2853.
The TDR products are not suitable for people with a lactose intolerance or dairy intolerance. We are in the process of developing the TDR products range. For more information on the TDR products contact Altralife on 0118 453 2853.
One of the more common side effects of being on a TDR is hunger. This happens more so in the beginning; however, your body does adapt. Appetite and hunger levels tend to decline as your progress through the programme. This is because of a process called ketosis. One of the side effects of ketosis can be a suppressed appetite and hunger levels. People only tend to feel genuine hunger on TDR if they snack on foods that are not advised.
We recommend that you maintain your existing activity levels whilst taking part in the TDR. It is important to listen to your body and only do what you are able to. You may find that there are some days when you are unable to be as you would like to be – especially in the beginning when you may be experiencing side effects. A lot of people report having “extra energy” once they have adapted to TDR. If you feel like this, do an activity that you feel that you are able to.
In the beginning, many people find that they feel slightly more tired than usual, however as your body adjusts to a lower calorie intake, many find that their energy levels increase. A lot of people tell us that their energy levels increase once they have adapted to TDR.
For the most up to date information on the TDR products contact Altralife on 0118 453 2853.
The first and second sessions are important because they give you lots of information about the programme. If you miss these sessions, then you will miss a lot of information. The programme is also set out in a very specific way to support you at key points. By missing the first session you will be out of time with the rest of your group, and with the programme. If you miss the first or second session, then we recommend that you start the programme again. If you are in a group we will try and offer you another group, however because this is a pilot places are limited.
If you are unable to make a session please contact us on 0333 577 3561. If you miss any session after session 2 then you reduce your chances of long-term success. These sessions are vital in helping to build healthy habits and learn new skills. If you do miss a later session then we will try and offer you another session, but this may not always be possible (as this is a pilot, places are limited). If you miss a number of sessions and have not advised us of this in advance, we may be required to discharge you back to your GP.
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