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Community cardiology diagnostics

Xyla is a leading specialist in the provision of echocardiography, rhythm analysis and blood pressure monitoring within the community setting. We provide GPs and commissioners with fast access to specialist diagnostic investigations that include comprehensive clinical reports.

Please choose an option below to find out further information.


Please choose below the site of your appointment to be given specific information that relates to your appointment.

Isle of Wight

Xyla Elective Care have been commissioned by the Integrated Care Board – Hampshire and Isle of Wight ICS to deliver:

  • Ambulatory (Holter) ECG monitoring
  • Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
  • Transthoracic echocardiography

This service is run out of a community centre, Community Action Isle of Wight.

Community Action Isle of Wight is a charity-based organisation providing support for over 1500 volunteers and community organisation on the island. Their aim is to maintain and develop community amenities and services for the residents on the island.


Community Action Isle of Wight – Riverside Centre
The Quay
PO30 2QR

01983 524058

Site information

There is a free car park located at the site.

Clinics are run between the hours of 08:00- 17:00 Monday – Friday.  You will be given a specific appointment time between these hours.

Accessibility: This site is wheelchair accessible with disabled parking.

The reception at the site is run by volunteers and so there may not always be a receptionist at the desk. Please take a seat in the reception area and our clinical team will be with you.

Appointment specifics/chaperones

The couches we use in clinic have a weight limit of 210kg.

You may be seen by either a female or a male member of staff. If you have a preference please do make that clear at the time of booking the appointment. If you wait until the time of your appointment it may need to be re-arranged to suit your preference.

Unfortunately, it is unlikely we would be able to provide a chaperone for your appointment, if you would like someone with you in your appointment please do feel free to bring a family member or friend.

Investigations we perform:

We provide Echocardiography and ambulatory services at this site. Please see below for more details.

Echocardiography (Transthoracic Echocardiography / TTE)

We provide Echocardiography services in line with British Society of Echocardiography (BSE) Guidelines.

An echocardiogram or ‘echo’ is a scan that uses ultrasound (sound waves) to produce pictures of the heart. The test is painless and without side effects. You should take all medications as normal prior to the test.

You will be asked to undress to the waist for this test. You will be given a gown to put on but will be asked to keep the gown left open at the front so the sonographer can still access your chest. You will be asked to lie on your left-hand side for the duration of the test.

The echo assesses the structure and function of your heart. The echocardiographer taking the images of your heart will place an ultrasound probe on your chest, the probe will have a small amount of ultrasound gel. It will be moved around your chest during the test, starting in the centre of your chest then moving down under the left breast. There will be noises coming from the ultrasound machine during the test these noises represent blood moving around your heart.

The echocardiographer will take images of your heart, from those they will take measurements and generate a technical report which will be returned to your GP. Your GP will need to assess the technical report and put this into your ‘clinical’ picture. The echocardiographer will not be able to give you any results at your appointment.

Your GP will discuss the results with you and any action that needs to be taken.

Please click here and here to find out more details about an echocardiogram.

Ambulatory ECG Monitoring (also known as a holter monitoring/ 24-hour ECG)

An Ambulatory ECG recording monitors your heart rate and rhythm over a defined period of time.

You will come into clinic and have 3 electrodes placed on your chest, (these are like sticky plasters) that will attach to the ambulatory ECG monitor. These electrodes detect the electrical signals made by your heart. These signals are then stored on the small portable monitor. The monitor will either be clipped onto your belt or hung around your neck. You will keep this on for the duration of the recording (duration advised by the cardiographer fitting your monitor). You should not have a bath or a shower with the monitor on. You should carry out all other daily activities as normal. When the test is finished it is important you return the monitor to the place and at the specific time given to you by the cardiographer. If you fail to do so it may mean another patient cannot have their test performed.

Your GP will discuss the results with you and any action that needs to be taken.

More information about ECGs can be found here and here.

Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (24 hour blood pressure recording)

Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring involves you having a blood pressure monitor fitted to you for 24 hours. It is a small portable monitor that allows you to go about your daily activities but takes your blood pressure at set intervals (30 minutes in the day, 1 hour per night).  A blood pressure cuff will be fitted to your arm, the cuff will be attached to the monitor and this will be attached to you via a belt. When the test is finished it is important you return the monitor to the place and at the specific time given to you by the cardiographer. If you fail to do so it may mean another patient cannot have their test performed.

Your GP will discuss the results with you and any action that needs to be taken.

For more information, click here.

Learn more about high blood pressure (hypertension).

South East London

Xyla Elective Care have been commissioned by the Integrated Care Board – South East London ICB to deliver the following services within the borough of Lambeth.

  • 12 lead ECG
  • Ambulatory (Holter) ECG monitoring
  • Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
  • Home blood pressure monitoring

This service is run out of GP practices within the borough of Lambeth. Please see site specific information by clicking the links below

Clapham Family Practice

Paxton Green Group Practice

Springfield Medical Centre

Stockwell Group Practice

Streatham High Practice


You may be seen by either a female or a male member of staff. If you have a preference, please do make that clear at the time of booking the appointment. If you wait until the time of your appointment it may need to be re-arranged to suit your preference.

Unfortunately, it is unlikely we would be able to provide a chaperone for your appointment, if you would like someone with you in your appointment, please do feel free to bring a family member or friend.

Investigations we perform:

We provide 12 lead ECG, ambulatory ECG and BP services and home blood pressure at this site. Please see below for more details.

12 lead ECG

A 12 lead ECG looks at the rate and the rhythm of your heart. You will be asked to remove your top half to have a 12 lead ECG and will be offered a gown to cover yourself.  The cardiographer will apply 10 electrodes (like small stickers) to your chest (6) and one on each arm and leg. They will then ask you to relax and stay still whilst they take the recording. They will upload your ECG on our electronic system to be reviewed by a Cardiac Physiologist prior to you being disconnected from the ECG machine.

The Cardiac Physiologist will review your ECG for significant findings – if any significant abnormalities are found that could be putting you at immediate risk an ambulance will be called for you at this time. You would be within your rights to decline an ambulance taking you to hospital, you would need to complete a patient waiver at this time to state you are choosing to go against medical advice.

If your result does not have a significant abnormality that could be putting you at immediate risk, it will be returned to your GP who will discuss the results with you and any action that needs to be taken.

If you would like more information on a 12 lead ECG please click here and here.

Ambulatory ECG Monitoring (also known as a holter monitoring/24-hour ECG)

An Ambulatory ECG recording monitors your heart rate and rhythm over a defined period of time.

You will come into the clinic and have 3 electrodes placed on your chest, (these are like sticky plasters) that will attach to the ambulatory ECG monitor. These electrodes detect the electrical signals made by your heart. These signals are then stored on the small portable monitor. The monitor will either be clipped onto your belt or hung around your neck. You will keep this on for the duration of the recording (duration advised by the cardiographer fitting your monitor). You should not have a bath or a shower with the monitor on. You should carry out all other daily activities as normal. When the test is finished it is important you return the monitor to the place and at the specific time given to you by the cardiographer. If you fail to do so it may mean another patient cannot have their test performed.

Your GP will discuss the results with you and any action that needs to be taken.

More information about ECGs can be found by clicking here and here.

Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (24 hour blood pressure recording)

Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring involves you having a blood pressure monitor fitted to you for 24 hours. It is a small portable monitor that allows you to go about your daily activities but takes your blood pressure at set intervals (30 minutes in the day, 1 hour per night).  A blood pressure cuff will be fitted to your arm, the cuff will be attached to the monitor and this will be attached to you via a belt. When the test is finished it is important you return the monitor to the place and at the specific time given to you by the cardiographer. If you fail to do so it may mean another patient cannot have their test performed.

Your GP will discuss the results with you and any action that needs to be taken.

Click here for more information.

Learn more about high blood pressure (hypertension) here.

Home blood pressure monitoring

You will be given an appointment at one of our GP practices to collect a blood pressure monitor to take home for one week, during this appointment you will be shown how to use the monitor. You will be asked to make recordings throughout the day for that week and record them in a diary you will also be given at the above appointment. You will be asked to return the monitor and diary at a set time to the practice you collected it from. The data you have collected will be averaged and then uploaded and sent to your GP for review. Your GP will discuss the results with you and any action that needs to be taken.

Contact us

To get in touch with us or to discuss your appointment, please email xyla.selcontact@nhs.net

Need to make a complaint?

Please call our main company number 020 7713 2756 and choose option 1, or email us at clinicalcare@xylaservices.com.


If you would like to give us feedback on the services we provide, please click here to complete a feedback survey. Your feedback is really important to us and helps improve our service.

For Isle of Wight patients, please select Isle of Wight Cardiology.

For South London patients, please select Lambeth Cardiology.


Isle of Wight

Services offered

Ambulatory ECG, Ambulatory BP monitoring and echocardiography.

All the above come with technical reports that will need to be put into clinical context by the referring clinician.

Referral form

Please find the latest version of the referral form here.

Inclusion and Exclusion criteria

Inclusion criteria –

The service will be available for all adult service users:

  • Over 18 years old
  • Registered with an IoW GP practice
  • Referrals will be accepted from any GP practice on the IoW
Exclusion criteria –

All service users:

  • Under 18 years of age (see above)
  • With a known complex congenital heart disease
Site specific information

This service is run out of a community centre, Community Action Isle of Wight.

Community Action Isle of Wight is a charity-based organisation providing support for over 1500 volunteers and community organisation on the island. Their aim is to maintain and develop community amenities and services for the residents on the island.


Community Action Isle of Wight – Riverside Centre
The Quay
PO30 2QR

01983 524058

Relevant NICE guidance

Hypertension in adults:

Chronic heart failure in adults: diagnosis and management

Heart valve disease presenting in adults: investigation and management

Transient loss of consciousness (‘blackouts’) in over 16s

Atrial fibrillation: diagnosis and management

Feedback survey

If you would like to provide feedback on our services, please click here.


Results will be returned to the referring GP practice via NHS.net email and will be returned within 5 working days of the data being uploaded to our systems.

South East London
Services offered

12 lead ECG, Ambulatory ECG, Ambulatory BP monitoring and home blood pressure monitoring.

All the above come with technical reports that will need to be put into clinical context by the referring clinician.

Referral form

Please find the latest version of the referral form via DXS : Lambeth ICB Cardiology > Referral.

Inclusion and Exclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria –

Any individual:

  • Over 16 years old
  • Registered with a South East London ICB GP practice
Exclusion criteria –

Any individual

  • Under 16 years of age
  • Registered with a GP outside of Lambeth
  • Who has not been referred by a Lambeth general practice clinician
  • Under the care of or already referred to secondary care cardiology services (including patients with implanted cardiac devices)
  • Requiring ECGs for routine medicals and medical certificates
  • Requiring ECGs as part of a pre-operative assessment.

Service users with any of the following conditions must be sent to hospital by ambulance:

  • Suspected acute coronary syndrome
  • New onset angina
  • Suspected high degree heart block (complete heart block or 2nd degree Mobitz Type 2)
  • Tachyarrhythmia in an unwell patient such as AF with a rate over 150
  • Any person who is acutely unwell or clinically unstable.

Housebound exclusion criteria:

  • Patients who are not within grade 3 or 4 of the performance status scale.

Site specific information

All services are performed at each of the following sites. The patient will be offered a choice of sites to attend.

Clapham Family Practice

Paxton Green Group Practice

Springfield Medical Centre

Stockwell Group Practice

Streatham High Practice

Relevant NICE guidance

Hypertension in adults:

Transient loss of consciousness (‘blackouts’) in over 16s

Atrial fibrillation: diagnosis and management

Feedback survey

If you would like to provide feedback on our services, please click here.


Results will be returned to the referring GP practice via NHS.net email and will be returned within 5 working days of the data being uploaded to our systems.


This email address should be used if there is any feedback or queries from patients/clinicians/ practice staff with regards to our service.

Contact us

For all completed referrals. This email address can also be used if needed to chase any results or appointments.

You will receive most results from this email address. This is a monitored mailbox with direct access to clinical staff and therefore can also be used to raise any clinical or result queries.

Xyla is a trading name of ICS Operations Ltd (Registered No 4793945), Pulse Healthcare Limited (Registered No 3156103), Carehome Selection Limited (Registered No 3091598), Independent Clinical Services Limited (Registered No 4768329) and CHS Healthcare Software Limited (Registered No 11582111)