Carly’s experience with Xyla as a CBT therapist

Published 17 April, 2024
“The remote and autonomous nature of working with Xyla gives you, as a clinician, so much flexibility regarding how you deliver therapy. This is so valuable, especially in the current climate.”

What attracted you to Xyla?

I wanted to work with Xyla as a CBT therapist because of the support they provide to so many patients and IAPT services around the country. Their innovative approach to therapy has enabled access to mental health services for so many people, who would have otherwise been restricted.

How was the process of joining?

The process of joining the network was straightforward, supported by excellent communication from the operational and clinical staff involved in the recruitment process.

What do you enjoy about your role with Xyla?

One is definitely the variety of patients that are referred which presents great clinical opportunity. Another is the flexibility afforded to the clinical network; this role offers excellent work-life balance. Lastly, the open and collaborative approach adopted by the clinical team creates a safe working environment for clinicians; it’s a place where support and development are a key focus.

What support do you receive as part of the network?

Generous clinical and operational support is offered as part of this role, and it has been invaluable to me as a clinician. It has enabled me to develop a good understanding of the referring services and clinical systems used in managing our caseloads. But not only that – it has also allowed me to develop my skills so that I can work with a variety of different clinical presentations and patient needs.

What keeps you working with us?          

Quite simply, the wonderful working relationships I have with my clinical supervisor and colleagues. It is also the fact that the focus is on providing the best care possible to our patients, and the flexibility you get from having a guaranteed caseload.

“As an organisation, I would say that Xyla has the patients, clinicians and referring services at the heart of their work. They have been nothing but consistent and collaborative in the implementation of their clinical service.”

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Xyla is a trading name of ICS Operations Ltd (Registered No 4793945), Pulse Healthcare Limited (Registered No 3156103), Carehome Selection Limited (Registered No 3091598), Independent Clinical Services Limited (Registered No 4768329) and CHS Healthcare Software Limited (Registered No 11582111)