App User Guide

Creating your account

Look out for an email containing details on how to create you account. There are 3 simple steps:

  1. Download the Wellbeing Way app in the relevant app store for your device.
  2. Open the app and tap “Register”
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to register your account, confirm your identity and create your password.


After registration, you will need to complete the onboarding process. This allows us to find out more about you and ensures that the app is set up correctly for you, as well as giving you an overview of the programme that you are joining.

Please follow the on-screen instructions to complete onboarding in the app, and once that is done you will be taken to the ‘Home’ screen.

Home & the To Do List

The Home screen is usually the landing page when you open the app and it provides easy access to all of the features of the app. This is where you will also find your ‘To Do’ list.

The ‘To Do’ list contains the tasks for you to complete within that week of your programme, and it will refresh every seven days from your enrolment date with your new weekly tasks. To complete a task on the list, tap on the task to go to the relevant page in the app. Once the task has been completed, a green tick will mark your completion progress.

You can also see which week of the programme that you are on at the top of your ‘To Do’ List.


From the ‘Home’ screen you will be able to navigate and access all areas of the app.

The bar at the bottom of the Home screen provides quick access to important areas of the app: the Health Tracker, the My Journey screen and the Support screen. In the top right-hand corner, you will find the ‘in-app’ notifications, and this will notify you of reminders and alerts, as well as any new resources material that may have been added. In the top left-hand corner, you will see the Menu button. This will open up a list with the other areas of the app that you can navigate to, including goals, challenges, recipes and resources, and various different sections of the app to explore. You will also be able log out of the app through the Menu button.

Health Tracker

The Health Tracker screen is where you will be able to add readings that may be required for the programme that you are on. Those readings are in the Essential Health Readings section of the Health Tracker, and for your programme, the essential reading that needs to be updated regularly are your weight reading submissions. You can also track other readings and submissions through the ‘Just For Me’ section, however these are not mandatory for your course.

To add readings or to review your historic submissions, please select one of the Health Tracker tiles. To add a reading tap the ‘Add Reading’ or ‘Latest Measurement Required’ and enter your submission. Additionally, you can also use the Health Tracker tiles to add goals too.

If you have an iOS device, you can sync Health tracker with Apple Health to automatically pull across your health readings, like steps, without manually logging it in the app. To sync with Apple Health, tap Sync now at the bottom of the page.

My Journey

The My Journey page is a helpful overview of all your progress on Wellbeing Way since joining your programme, from you Health Tracker readings to Goals, Resources to Challenges, and everything else in between.


The Support area is where you will find helpful resources and contacts, so if you ever need help, you’ll find links to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and find options to get in contact with someone from the programme team. 

If you have any queries about the Wellbeing Way app, our friendly Application Support Team are always happy to help. Please send them an email at and they will get back to you as soon as they can.


Create and track goals on a wide range of topics in the Goals section of the app. Goals tend to focus on Eating well, Lifestyle or Moving more and can be manually marked as complete as soon as you achieve them. 

The Health Tracker goals focus on things like weight measurements or steps and will autocomplete as soon as you enter a reading that achieves that specific goal in your Health Tracker. Additionally, you can also enter readings on the Goals page.  

Check up on any in progress goals that you have already set in the ‘Working On’ tab, or review the goals you may have completed in the ‘Completed’ tab. 


Browse our pre-set goals and mark them as complete to earn badges in the Challenges area of the app. Find a challenge that interests you in the ‘Physical activity’, ‘Diet’ or ‘Other’ categories and select the challenge to activate it. The app will remember what you have selected even if you leave the page. Once you have completed it, mark it as complete. You can share your achievements to the Community and you can earn a badge every time you complete a challenge. Badges can be tracked in the ‘My Badges’ area. 

Online Learning

Learn more to support you on your wellbeing journey with our Online Learning. New modules are unlocked regularly as you progress through your programme and once unlocked, you can then complete them. 

Your progress on modules will be tracked, so you can pick up right where you left off each time you come into this area of the app. This is shown by ‘In Progress’, ‘Complete’ or the ‘Locked Badges’ on the module tiles. You can also filter through the ‘All’, ‘To Do’, ‘Upcoming’, and ‘Done’ tabs to see how far you’ve come, and what you should do next. 

Modules are made up of parts. To see how many parts a module has, tap a module to open it up and you have completed any parts already, this will be tracked and displayed. 

We are always looking for ways to continuously improve our service so we will ask you for feedback when you complete a module. 


The Resources section is our library of recipes, articles, and external links to help you on your wellbeing journey. Resources are split into certain categories: 

  • Recipes: tasty recipes from our dieticians. You can filter these by allergens or dietary preferences. 
  • Physical Activity: exercises and helpful fitness tips 
  • Eating Well: advice about healthy eating 
  • Tools: helpful guides and information about your programme 
  • Wellbeing: articles on a range of topics to support your overall wellbeing. 

Mark your favourite resources using the heart icon to collect them in your favourites section for easy access and you can un-favourite a resource by tapping the heart again. Any resources which are newly added or unlocked will display a “New” badge and will be collected in the Recently added section so you can easily spot new content. 

Coach Sessions

The NHS Digital Weight Management programme involves sessions with a coach and you will need to book your sessions on the app in the Coach Sessions section of the app when you first start. 

Once you’ve booked your sessions, they will be displayed in the Coach Sessions area and this will show the date and time of any sessions, as well as details about how they will take place. Come back to this section anytime that you need a reminder about your sessions. You can also edit, reschedule, and cancel sessions on this page. After your session has passed, we will ask for feedback on how it went in this section of the app. 

Our Community

Interact with other people on your programme in our Community forum which you can sign up for during the onboarding process. You will be able to create new posts to share your experience, follow discussions that interest you that you; you can access these from the ‘Following’ tab, and click on the posts to read more, like or even reply to them.


Settings are split into different sections and accessed on the Menu. 

  • Profile: view and edit personal details such as preferred name and phone number. 
  • Programme Details: recap the details of your programme. 
  • App Settings: customise your Health tracker, accessibility settings such as text size and high contrast mode, and any unit preferences. 
  • Communication Preferences: manage your communication settings and opt in or out of user research to help us improve our service. 
  • Account: change your email or password, view the privacy policy, or delete your account. 

Frequently asked questions

How long is the course?

The NHS Digital Weight Management Programme lasts 12 weeks.

When will I gain access to the app?

You will gain access to the app as soon as you are invited through either a text or an email.

When will my app start to unlock features?

As soon as you complete registration and onboarding, your app will begin to unlock various features.

How many coaching session will I have?

You will have 4 15-minute coaching sessions over the duration of your course. These will be by telephone.

How do I book sessions?

You can book sessions on the app through the coach sessions page.

How do I reschedule a session?

If you need to reschedule your session, you can do so through completing the steps shown in this video.

What happens after I complete the course?

You will be offboarded from the app on completion of your course.

Xyla is a trading name of ICS Operations Ltd (Registered No 4793945), Pulse Healthcare Limited (Registered No 3156103), Carehome Selection Limited (Registered No 3091598), Independent Clinical Services Limited (Registered No 4768329) and CHS Healthcare Software Limited (Registered No 11582111)