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Thank you for completing the quiz.  

You are now equipped with the knowledge of which dietary approach may suit your lifestyle most. By following an approach that suits you as an individual you are more likely to succeed in your long-term goals. Remember no one approach will work for everyone, we are all unique.  

There are many resources available on the Wellbeing Way app that can support you in following your chosen approach. For example, meal planning templates, lower carb meal plans, and factsheets on each approach. Before you get started read up on the approach of your choice from your app resources and create a plan of how to follow it using SMART goals. Remember to be kind to yourself, it takes time to change habits, especially dietary habits which you may have practiced for years, make changes gradually and reward yourself for your successes. 

You now also know how you might include regular physical activity in your lifestyle. Following a physical activity routine that is personal to you and suits your needs will lead to a greater chance of success and enjoyment with your physical activity.  

Keep in mind that whether you’re just beginning to be more active or already maintaining a regular exercise routine, it’s important to work at your own pace. Feel free to challenge yourself, but avoid pushing too hard, and always allow sufficient time for rest and recovery after physical activity. All movement that we make throughout the day count towards our total activity time, so making small changes such as regularly climbing the stairs rather than taking a lift can go a long way to making lasting changes to our health. 

The survey has also given insights into which areas of your lifestyle, such as motivation, stress and sleep, may need addressing.  

Please note that our survey responses are suggestions based on your answers to select questions. Most importantly, your regular participation throughout our programme will help equip you with knowledge and strategies to support your healthy lifestyle journey. 

During your sessions you will learn the principles of healthy eating, e.g. suggested portion sizes, healthy macronutrient sources, principles of mindful eating, meal prepping, label reading, how to apply your knowledge to your cultural diet amongst other nutrition topics. 

You will also enhance your knowledge of physical activity, learning more about the benefits of regular physical activity, the weekly movement guidelines, motives to move more, and making your activities more enjoyable. 

And finally, you will also explore various aspects of your lifestyle that may require attention, such as developing healthy habits, self-compassion, practicing self-care, mindfulness, mindful eating, and many more. 

Throughout your time on the programme you can read our resources, chat with your peers and learn how to apply your knowledge to your goals. For example, if you choose to follow a lower carb approach, utilizing the portion plate will be a great first step to achieving this in a practical way that doesn’t require scales. Label reading may support you in following a lower fat/carbohydrate approach, and meal planning can be applied to support a range of dietary approaches. 

There are many resources available on the Wellbeing Way app that can help support you in either starting a new physical activity or maintaining your current levels. These include templates for movements that you can do at home and creating your own physical activity plan, in addition to exercise routines that you can follow along to. 

Throughout the programme you can explore our resources and connect with your peers to apply your knowledge to areas you have identified as focus areas.

Good luck with starting your journey toward a healthier lifestyle!

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