
The importance of meaningful connections for mental wellbeing

Published 30 July, 2024

“True friendship is when you walk into their house and your Wi-Fi connects automatically.”

As we look back, we often recall memories that involve our closest or longest friends, or even great friendships we once had. Friendship can bring immense joy, and today, on International Friendship Day, it is a good time to think about the special bonds we create with others. This reflection prompts us to consider what friendship really means and why it is so important. Friendships can play a strong role in our mental health; various studies show that closeness, connection, and friendship significantly impact our physical health as well.

At Xyla, our mental health support work revolves around relationships. We focus on building strong therapeutic relationships that help enhance external connections. Often, in certain therapy modalities, the therapist acts as a secure attachment figure during sessions, helping clients replicate helpful and secure relationships in their lives.

Friendships often see us through both tough times and the most brilliant moments in our lives. They reflect our social nature, as we have historically been tribal beings who naturally build relationships and keep certain individuals close. Whether it’s a friend supporting us through a loss, celebrating a big promotion, sharing the joy of a wedding, or welcoming a new child into the world, these connections are integral to our experiences. Through these relationships, we learn a great deal about ourselves, which can sometimes be helpful or unhelpful.

However, creating and maintaining networks can be challenging for some. Life often throws curveballs that can cause friendships to fade or rupture. Despite these challenges, maintaining and enhancing friendships is crucial for our wellbeing. On this International Friendship Day, we reflect on how to cultivate meaningful and lasting relationships.

Prioritise quality time with friends

Whether through regular meet-ups, calls, or virtual chats. Shared experiences help strengthen bonds and create lasting memories.

Communicate openly and honestly

Honesty is the foundation of any strong relationship. Being open about your thoughts and feelings fosters trust and understanding, making it easier to navigate any challenges that arise.

Be supportive of your friends during tough times and celebrate their successes.

Being there for them, both in joy and in sorrow, strengthens the friendship.

Respect boundaries

Everyone has different comfort levels and personal space needs. Respecting these boundaries is crucial for maintaining a healthy relationship.

Show appreciation for your friends and the things they do for you

A simple “thank you” can go a long way in making them feel valued and appreciated.

Practice empathy

Work through conflicts with empathy and a willingness to understand the other person’s perspective. Constructive communication can resolve issues and prevent misunderstandings.

Finally, keep growing together

Encourage each other’s growth, whether it’s personal, professional, or emotional. Supporting each other’s journeys helps build a deeper connection.

All of these tips are what we aim to achieve in the therapeutic patient-therapist relationship. Therapy is a great place to think about ourselves within our relationships and how we embrace our friendships. Through this reflective process, therapy can guide us in cultivating more positive and meaningful connections in our lives.

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Xyla is a trading name of ICS Operations Ltd (Registered No 4793945), Pulse Healthcare Limited (Registered No 3156103), Carehome Selection Limited (Registered No 3091598), Independent Clinical Services Limited (Registered No 4768329) and CHS Healthcare Software Limited (Registered No 11582111)