Digital group therapy

Streamline mental health support for your patients with Xyla’s digitally-enabled group therapy service. By integrating this innovative approach into your practice, you can offer shorter waiting times and greater accessibility, providing invaluable support to individuals facing mental health challenges.

What is digital group therapy?

Digital group therapy is a form of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) that brings together multiple individuals in a supportive setting led by experienced therapists online. Through shared experiences and expert guidance, patients learn essential skills to manage and overcome their difficulties effectively.

Why choose digital group therapy?

Research and feedback consistently highlight the benefits of group therapy for patients. By participating in group sessions, individuals gain insights from peers facing similar struggles, which can help normalise their experiences and foster a sense of community and social connection.  

What to expect

Our group therapy courses consist of eight sessions led by fully trained therapists. During these sessions, we focus on practical problem-solving techniques, both in and outside of sessions, to ensure long-term benefits for your patients. Participation in discussions is optional, but they offer valuable insights and support. Sessions are conveniently delivered via Microsoft Teams, with all personal data anonymised for privacy. Pre-recorded sessions are also available for patients who are unable to make a session.


Reduced waiting lists

By offering group therapy remotely, you can provide your patients with shorter waiting times and greater accessibility, allowing them to participate from their homes.

Improved patient experience

Patients gain invaluable skills and insights throughout the sessions, learning from therapists and peers alike.

Enhance treatment outcomes

By providing patients with access to group therapy, you can offer additional support and guidance, improving treatment outcomes and patient satisfaction.

Improve practice efficiency

Group therapy offers a more efficient way to deliver mental health support, allowing you to see more patients and optimise your practice’s productivity.

Who’s eligible?

Our digitally enabled group therapy service is open to individuals aged 18 and above with specific service referrals currently on a CBT waiting list. Patients facing challenges such as low mood, anxiety, or OCD can benefit significantly from this program.

Contact us

Have any questions about our services? Whether you’re wondering about how we can help your health goals, or assist your healthcare organisation, we’d love to hear from you.

Xyla is a trading name of ICS Operations Ltd (Registered No 4793945), Pulse Healthcare Limited (Registered No 3156103), Carehome Selection Limited (Registered No 3091598), Independent Clinical Services Limited (Registered No 4768329) and CHS Healthcare Software Limited (Registered No 11582111)