Adopting a vegan lifestyle has numerous benefits, from environmental sustainability to health improvements. However, ensuring that your vegan diet is nutritionally balanced requires careful attention, especially when purchasing packaged vegan foods. This Veganuary, use this guide to help you navigate the supermarket shelves and make informed choices.
Protein is essential for muscle repair and overall health. Many vegan processed foods may lack sufficient protein, so prioritise products containing ingredients like:
Nutrients like vitamin B12, calcium, and vitamin D are less common in plant-based diets. To ensure you’re meeting your needs, seek out fortified options such as:
Vegan doesn’t always mean healthy. Many processed vegan products can be high in artificial additives, refined sugars, and unhealthy fats. Opt for items with simple, whole-food ingredients, such as:
Iron and omega-3 fatty acids are critical for overall health. Plant-based sources include:
Processed vegan foods like faux meats or cheese alternatives can be high in saturated fats and sodium. Check labels and choose:
Energy bars, desserts, and plant-based beverages can be loaded with sugars. Always read labels for sugar content and aim for products with less than 10 grams of added sugar per serving. Choose naturally sweetened options when possible.
A vegan diet can be both nutritious and delicious if you’re mindful of what goes into your shopping cart. Prioritise whole foods, carefully read labels, and choose fortified or enriched products to meet your dietary needs. By doing so, you’ll enjoy a balanced, healthful vegan lifestyle that nourishes your body and supports your values.
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