Ash’s path to remission journey

Published 12 November, 2024

Ash from Derbyshire has had an incredible journey on the NHS Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission Programme. Read on to find out more about his experience of the programme and the amazing things he has achieved.

What was your life like before the programme?

Before the programme, my lifestyle was very unhealthy; I was drinking most days after work, anything between 6-10 pints of lager and ordering takeout around 4 times a week. I was stuck in a rut just going through the motions of daily life and getting into financial difficulty because of my poor lifestyle choices. I knew that the way I was living was very poor and I needed to change but I didn’t have the drive. I didn’t really care about my diabetes management either.

How did you get introduced to the programme?

My diabetes nurse mentioned I was eligible and explained the programme to me. I thought it could be a good opportunity to give me that push that I desperately needed to help change my life, physically, mentally, and financially.

“The programme has massively improved my health and my life.”

How has your experience on the programme been so far? 

It has been a great but challenging experience! Total Diet Replacement (TDR) went very well, and I lost a lot of weight. There were times I was hungry, tired, and wanted a drink, so I had to remove myself from certain situations. That said, I felt so much better resisting the temptation, knowing that I was doing my best to change my life. 

I’d say the best aspect of the programme is the coach engagement. If you have an issue or query that you want to discuss it’s very comforting knowing that your coach will take the time to do so and explain things in a clear way. This kept me “in check”, especially as I’ve never been very good at holding myself accountable. Having a weekly/ fortnightly appointment where my blood sugars and weight were measured helped me stay on track.

How did the programme fit into your life?

Social situations were probably the most challenging part of TDR as I knew I couldn’t eat anything or have any alcohol. I was very regimented with myself and didn’t give in to temptation, but it did make me tired and a little miserable at times. I’d just keep reminding myself of all the benefits and the reasons for taking part in the programme. 

How has the programme improved your health and your life?  

The programme has massively improved my health and my life. I’ve lost around 5 stone since the start of the programme and dropped around 6-8 inches from my waist, but I’m now hoping to put some weight back on in muscle. I no longer take Metformin and my HbA1c is now 31mmol/mol!

I find cooking stressful but I’m getting used to it and it’s rewarding knowing that I’m eating healthily. That’s not to say that I don’t enjoy a treat, but I feel I’m managing to keep it balanced. I no longer drink alcohol regularly, I may have had 3 beers since food reintroduction, and I honestly don’t miss it. My finances have improved, and so has my mental health and my outlook on how to live my life. Since the programme, I have become much more active, and it has enabled me to start new hobbies such as climbing.

Did you achieve the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the programme? 

I feel I have achieved amazing things so far. It’s a journey with ups and downs, but I’ll continue with what I’m learning and I’m aiming to make this a lifestyle.

I would certainly recommend the programme to others and my advice is, take a moment to notice the small achievements and just keep going. If you have a slight setback then don’t beat yourself up, be kind to yourself, but it’s also important to hold yourself accountable. Surround yourself with people who are fully supportive of what you’re doing.

Wanrt to find out more about the NHS Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission Programme?

Learn more here

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