Reset Programme FAQs

What is Xyla Reset?

Xyla Reset is a free, one-to-one diabetes prevention follow-up programme to support you in maintaining the healthier lifestyle changes you have already made and further prevent or delay the onset of Type 2 Diabetes.

Will the programme reduce my risk? What difference will the programme make to me?

Type 2 diabetes is a serious condition which can lead to long-term health problems. It can have a huge impact on your life and those around you and often involves many changes to manage diabetes. It’s important to lower your risk so that you can prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes.

I have already completed the Diabetes Prevention Programme. What more can I learn?

Xyla Reset is a follow-on programme that aims to cement the learnings you took from the Diabetes Prevention Programme and provide you with useful tools and information to help you build healthy habits. You will also benefit from one-to-one calls with your Coach who will provide personalised guidance and advice.

Will I lose weight on this programme?

Xyla Reset has been designed by a team of Dietitians, clinical and health Psychologists, and experts in exercise, to facilitate a 5% total weight loss over 3-6 months. The advice you receive is evidence based and in line with current NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) & Diabetes UK guidelines for diabetes prevention and weight management, this advice will also be personalised through the discussions you have with your Coach. Nevertheless, changes to your weight will require behaviour change. The programme is designed to support and empower you to take meaningful steps to achieve a healthier weight but ultimately you will be your own driver to success.

Tip: Completing your weekly checklists will help keep you on track with your weight loss goals.

How long is the programme?

In total, the programme is 36 weeks long (or 9 months), you will have a number of one-to-one calls with your Coach for the first 6 months of the programme which can be scheduled at a time to suit you.

Is Xyla Reset a diet programme?

No, Xyla Reset is a 9-month behaviour change programme combining specialist nutrition, psychology and physical activity with the aim of supporting you to make healthier choices and build healthy habits.

How often should I use the app?

You will have weekly tasks to complete such as your e-learning modules, but we recommend logging in every day to engage with your health tracker, the resource library and community forum to get the most from the programme.

What actions do I need to take each week?
  • Weigh yourself once a week and update your health tracker with your latest reading
  • Complete the latest online module (fortnightly) and use what you have learned to create your SMART goals
  • Work on your goals and update them in the app
  • Chat in the community forum and make use of the bank of guides, top tips, blogs and recipes available in your Resources.
What will I be eating?

During your programme you will learn about portion guidance and how to improve the overall balance and quality of the food you eat. Use this knowledge to make choices that will help you achieve your goals. No food is off the table completely and there is no single superfood which you must eat. Take what you learn in your online modules and apply that to the foods you enjoy, you can still enjoy your food whilst making meaningful steps towards a healthier lifestyle.

Can I skip an online module?

Try to think of your online modules as the pieces of a puzzle, having all the pieces makes for a much clearer picture! We recommend you work through all the online modules; they have been created with you in mind and are your steppingstones to success.  All online modules are vital in helping you build healthy habits, gaining new tools and learning new information. You can access and complete online modules at a time to suit you, but please try and complete them whenever a new one becomes available on the app.

What should I do once my coaching calls come to an end?

You have a further 3 months access to the Wellbeing Way app including 6 new online learning modules (content never seen before!). We would encourage you to continue to work on your goals, monitor your progress and use the community for support.

What should I do once the 9 months are over?

Congratulate yourself for completing a massive step towards a healthier lifestyle! So, what to do next? Keep going! Try to keep up the positive changes you have made, there will be bumps in the road but use the new strategies in your toolkit to help get you back on track. Continue working on your goals, monitor your progress and try to focus on creating helpful habits.

How do I arrange my appointments?

Visit My sessions, book a session and then click on an available date and time. Remember that once you have chosen the date and time of your first coaching session, you will automatically be booked in for the same time for all future sessions.

I can’t make my booked appointment; what do I do?

Your coaching sessions are there to provide additional support and are very important but try not to worry if you need rearrange one. You can change a session with more the 48 hours notice of your appointment; simply go to your upcoming sessions and select edit if you need to rebook. If you miss an appointment; your coach will do a brief recap with you at the next one.

Where can I get app support?

Please see the Wellbeing way FAQ’s (Frequently asked questions).

What if my mobile number changes?

No problem, just email: and we can update it for you.

Do recipes provide nutritional information & allergen advice?

Some of our recipes have nutritional information but not all of them. We are in the process of adding allergen warnings to our recipes, but whilst we do this we would advise you to read the ingredients carefully. Please also be sure to read the ingredients and allergen labels carefully for food purchased at stores.

Contact us

To explore how our services could empower your communities to live healthier lives, for longer, please get in touch.

Xyla is a trading name of ICS Operations Ltd (Registered No 4793945), Pulse Healthcare Limited (Registered No 3156103), Carehome Selection Limited (Registered No 3091598), Independent Clinical Services Limited (Registered No 4768329) and CHS Healthcare Software Limited (Registered No 11582111)