A Live Well Newham Journey

Published 18 April, 2024

This service user has completed the Live Well Newham programme and has been happy to share some of their experiences with us and the positive results they have seen since taking part.

What did you find most useful about the programme?

I’m a face-to-face learner and the group sessions have boosted my confidence. I haven’t found myself alone once on this journey. What stood out for me was the group support.

What changes did you make to your lifestyle as a result of attending the programme, e.g. exercise routine, dietary habits?

Since the start of the programme, I have started to go to the gym 5 times per week (for at least 1.5 hours). I started the switch into a calorie deficit to improve my dietary habits.

Have you accessed any local services (i.e. leisure centres, exercise on referral) due to this programme?

I have signed up to the gym since starting the programme (not through referral).

“What stood out for me was the group support”

What was your favourite part of the programme and why?

I believe it was the nutrition sessions. Those sessions taught me to make smarter choices when prepping my meals.

What challenges did you face on the programme and how did you overcome them?

Consistency was my biggest challenge, both workout and food-wise. Planning was the main key to help me overcome this issue.

What changes have you seen in any measurements that have been taken? E.g. weight, waist measurement, clothes size, blood glucose, blood pressure etc.

My waist measurement has gone down, and my weight has decreased by 2KG. I can now fit into and button up clothes that I couldn’t fit into before.

Would you or have you recommended the programme to others? Why?

Yes, I have. I have family and friends that have health issues and this programme could help them improve that. Simple things are encouraged in the programme like walking more and/or making healthy food choices.

What would you say to those who are thinking of joining the programme?

If you’re struggling improving your health and this has been offered to you, please take this opportunity as it is.

Are there any other comments you wish to make about your experience?

I would say, if this programme is offered to you, take it, and make the most of it.

“The sessions taught me to make smarter choices”

If you live in the Newham, London area and would like to find out more about the programme, click here.

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