Every year, No Smoking Day serves as a powerful reminder of the benefits of quitting smoking and the support available to help make it happen. While many people try to quit on their own, stop smoking services have been the key to success for thousands, offering expert guidance, tailored support, and proven strategies to increase positive outcomes. In this blog, we’ll explore the real impact of these services, from improving quit rates to transforming lives.
The prevalence of smoking in the UK has significantly decreased over the years, partially due to the increase in services and alternatives available to those who want to quit. In 2011, the average percentage prevalence in adult smokers was 19.8%, which by 2023, was down to 11.3%.
Source: OHID, based on Office for National Statistics data https://fingertips.phe.org.uk/profile/tobacco-control/data#page/1
This decline highlights the effectiveness of stop smoking services, public health campaigns, and the growing accessibility of alternatives like nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and vaping. Government policies, such as higher taxation on tobacco products, plain packaging laws, and restrictions on advertising, have also played a crucial role in discouraging smoking. Additionally, greater awareness of the health risks associated with smoking, along with social shifts that have made smoking less acceptable in public spaces, has contributed to the downward trend. With continued investment in stop smoking services and ongoing efforts to support those who want to quit, the UK is on track to further reduce smoking rates and move closer to becoming a smoke-free society.
Stop smoking services (SSS) are key to helping people quit for good. In the UK, 133,889 referrals up to Q2 2024/25 into SSS were made and 79.1% of these referrals led to a quit attempt.
Using stop smoking services is three times as effective as making an unassisted quit attempt, making these services paramount for the nation’s health, reducing admissions to hospital due to smoking-related illnesses in the future.
The NHS works with service providers such as Xyla to give smokers access to expert-led, tailored support that helps them quit smoking and stay quit for good.
The Xyla Healthier You Quit Smoking Programme is run with East Riding of Yorkshire Council and offers a comprehensive solution to empower patients on their journey to becoming smoke-free. The programme provides patients with a holistic toolkit for quitting smoking on their terms through combining:
“I would recommend the service to anyone contemplating giving up smoking. Quitting smoking without support is difficult. Having support from a health coach encouraged me to keep going.”
The service we provide is designed by experts and backed by clinical evidence to help service users to quit smoking for good, therefore preventing the onset of smoking-related diseases such as:
Read about one of our service user’s experience on the programme here.
The impact of stop smoking services is clear – helping thousands of people successfully quit and improving public health across the UK. With smoking prevalence at its lowest recorded levels, continued investment in these services is crucial to achieving a smoke-free future. Not only does quitting benefit individuals, but it also has a significant impact on the NHS by reducing the burden of smoking-related illnesses. Fewer smokers mean fewer hospital admissions, freeing up vital NHS resources and easing pressure on healthcare services. At Xyla, our goal is to improve people’s lives and alleviate demand on the UK healthcare system. With the right support, a smoke-free future is within reach, benefiting both personal health and the wider healthcare system.
To find out how Xyla can support stop smoking services in your area, please email: HealthierFuturesEastRiding@xylaservices.com
Have any questions about our services? Whether you’re wondering about how we can help your health goals, or assist your healthcare organisation, we’d love to hear from you.
Get in touchXyla is a trading name of ICS Operations Ltd (Registered No 4793945), Pulse Healthcare Limited (Registered No 3156103), Carehome Selection Limited (Registered No 3091598), Independent Clinical Services Limited (Registered No 4768329) and CHS Healthcare Software Limited (Registered No 11582111)