Integrated Clinical Advice Network

When local clinicians are not accessible, or there’s insufficient coverage in a specific speciality area, GPs can seek advice and guidance through the Integrated Clinical Advice Network (ICAN). Developed through collaborative efforts with our partner, Cinapsis, this service introduces innovative “care delivery” models that prioritise integrating primary and secondary care.


Local pathway knowledge

  • Incorporates local referral clinical guidance into Cinapsis
  • Offers comprehensive data-capturing functionality with the option to design GP training and development modules. 

Information shared easily

  • Manages working patterns and direct-dial details in Cinapsis to ensure accurate routing of calls
  • Generates reports and records all calls for medical records
  • Includes 24-hour support from Cinapsis on a platform that is easy to set up and use for GPs and specialist clinicians

Clinical safety

  • Allows GPs to view the consultant’s profile, based on verified NHS scope of practice and subspecialist expertise
  • Provides advice from senior clinicians who undergo rigorous recruitment and compliance checks
  • Enables GPs to provide immediate feedback after each consultation
  • Implements a robust information and clinical governance framework

Streamlined access to speciality services 

  • Instantly connects with a consultant via instant messaging, image sharing, telephone, or video call. 
  • Allows users to take photos with their own phone using enhanced editing functions, with patient information securely stored on the Health and Social Care Network linked to their NHS number. 

Benefits to patients

  • Faster access to specialist advice and guidance.
  • Avoids unnecessary hospital visits, leading to a better overall experience.

Benefits to GPs

  • Quick and easy access to specialist Advice & Guidance through various communication channels.
  • Empowers GPs to deliver optimal care for their patients from the outset.

Benefits for secondary care

  • Reduces the number of inappropriate referrals, enabling prioritised care for patients who do need hospital attendance.

The ICAN is available immediately for both urgent and elective referrals, covering: 


Acute medicine

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General medicine

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Clinical haematology

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General surgery

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Renal medicine

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Diabetes & endocrinology

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Respiratory medicine

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Elderly care

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Mental health

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Ear, Nose and Throat

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Vascular surgery

Learn more about ICAN

The Integrated Clinical Advice Network (ICAN) supports the NHS to ensure patients see the right person, in the right place, every time.  

Download our ICAN brochure

Contact us

Have any questions about our services? Whether you’re wondering about how we can help your health goals, or assist your healthcare organisation, we’d love to hear from you.

Xyla is a trading name of ICS Operations Ltd (Registered No 4793945), Pulse Healthcare Limited (Registered No 3156103), Carehome Selection Limited (Registered No 3091598), Independent Clinical Services Limited (Registered No 4768329) and CHS Healthcare Software Limited (Registered No 11582111)