Xyla is a G-Cloud 12 framework supplier

Published 19 April, 2024

We are pleased to announce that Xyla is a returning supplier on the latest G-Cloud 12 framework, which is managed by the Crown Commercial Service.

What is G-Cloud 12?

G-Cloud 12 is designed to help public-sector bodies in the UK access and purchase technology services that use cloud computing. What launched in 2013 with around 700 companies and services has grown to a framework with over 31,000 different tech services, including hosting, software and support.

Being on the G-Cloud Digital Marketplace makes buying evidence-based digital solutions not only quicker but also far easier. In the case of Xyla, we are a framework supplier so that we can continue improving greater access for people in need of mental health support.

To view Xyal Digital Therapies on the Digital Marketplace please click here. Alternatively, you can find out more about G-Cloud 12 by visiting this website.

For further information about our service, please get in touch with us.

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Xyla is a trading name of ICS Operations Ltd (Registered No 4793945), Pulse Healthcare Limited (Registered No 3156103), Carehome Selection Limited (Registered No 3091598), Independent Clinical Services Limited (Registered No 4768329) and CHS Healthcare Software Limited (Registered No 11582111)