
Lyndsey’s Digital Weight Management Journey

Published 16 April, 2024

Lyndsey has completed the Digital Weight Management programme and has been happy to share some of her experiences with us and the positive results she has seen since taking part.

What have you found useful about the Wellbeing Way App?

The weekly modules have been very informative and helpful. The goals section, although it had some flaws, was very good to be able to manage your goals.

What do you find useful about your coaching calls with your Registered Healthcare Professional? Have you felt supported throughout the process?

My health coach has been really good – she was very knowledgeable and supportive. The advice she gave was very good too.

What changes did you make to your lifestyle, e.g. exercise routine, dietary, habits…?

Changing my snacking habits and picking lower calorie options. Also, admitting that I may have an eating disorder was a massive step for me

What is your favourite part of the programme, why?

The weekly modules were my favourite part – some of the advice given has been really helpful.

What challenges did you face with the programme, and how did you overcome them?

Halfway through the programme I hurt my back which meant I had to stop my exercise classes and could not walk very far. I learned to just take it 1 day at a time and not be so hard on myself.

What changes have you seen in any measurements that have been taken? E.g. HBa1c, waist measurement, weight, clothes size etc…

I only lost 2lb overall so the weight loss hasn’t been good at all, but it’s been about so much more for me.

Would you, or have you, recommended the programme to others? Why?

I would recommend this programme to anyone struggling as it’s a great way to dig a bit deeper into things.

What would you say to those who are thinking about joining the programme?

Don’t be so hard on yourself, this programme is definitely not all about the numbers on the scales. You will learn so much about yourself.

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